Publications for Parents:
Гемангиома фотографии Vascular Birthmark Foundation,Our newest program -guidelines for physiciansto follow to diagnose and treat vascular birthmarks with the earliest intervention.
Simple things you can do to manage KTS - &1053;&1077;&1089;&1082;&1086;&1083;&1100;&1082;&1086;&1087;&1088;&1086;&1089;&1090;&1099;&1093;&1074;&1077;&1097;&1077;&1081;,&1082;&1086;&1090;&1086;&1088;&1099;&1077; &1074;&1099;&1084;&1086;&1078;&1077;&1090;&1077;&1089;&1076;&1077;&1083;&1072;&1090;&1100;,&1095;&1090;&1086;&1073;&1099;&1082;&1086;&1085;&1090;&1088;&1086;&1083;&1080;&1088;&1086;&1074;&1072;&1090;&1100;&1089;&1080;&1085;&1076;&1088;&1086;&1084; Klippel-Trenaunay (KTS)(Dr. Delnian and Linda Shannon)
Comments from Dr. Stuart Nelson and Dr. Roy Geronemus:
Every Day is a Day of Awareness for VBF!
A Huge Success
Photos courtesy of Medical Director of VBF Russia, Oleg Shepty &1056;&1077;&1079;&1091;&1083;&1100;&1090;&1072;&1090;&1099;&1083;&1077;&1095;&1077;&1085;&1080;&1103; "&1074;&1080;&1085;&1085;&1099;&1093;&1087;&1103;&1090;&1077;&1085;" &1080; &1075;&1077;&1084;&1072;&1085;&1075;&1080;&1086;&1084;&1099;.&1060;&1086;&1090;&1086; &1087;&1088;&1077;&1076;&1086;&1089;&1090;&1072;&1074;&1083;&1077;&1085;&1099;&1076;&1086;&1082;&1090;&1086;&1088;&1086;&1084; &1064;&1077;&1087;&1090;&1080;&1081;&1054;.&1042;.
Ulcer Care and Treatment(pdf)
· &8220;Tell Your Story&8221;. Share your experiences with other milies:
Dont Forget!
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Remember, May 15 is Day of Awareness, but events can be held any time during the year.
Welcome to the Russia Chapter of the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation, VBF Russia!
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"We reviewed &8220;Redarkening of Port-Wine Stains 10 Years after Pulsed-Dye-Laser Treatment&8221; by Huikeshoven et al (NEJM 2007;356:1235-1240) with great interest and would offer our comments.
VBF President and Founder, Dr. Linda Rozell-Shannon, along with VBF Executive Assistant Basia Joyce, VBF Office Manager Lauren Palmateer and VBF Board member Lianne Chase, are organizing the second annual VBF 5K Run/Walk in New York. VBF Board members Danielle Vlahos and Rose Shea will host a walk/run in Boston. VBF Board member and wife of VBF Expert Dr. Stuart Nelson, Peggy Nelson, is hosting a wine tasting event in California along with Peter Zellner and Lauri Firstenberg.
Test for Birthmarks
Children with birthmarks have met this challenge by becoming active participants in raising awareness. Saige Cavayero, now in college, serves on the VBF Board and designed and sold bracelets for Day of Awareness. Saige also designed a poster to highlight the 2010 awareness campaign.
&1042;&1080;&1085;&1085;&1086;&1077;&1087;&1103;&1090;&1085;&1086;. &1060;&1086;&1090;&1086; &1076;&1086;&1083;&1077;&1095;&1077;&1085;&1080;&1103; &1080; &1087;&1086;&1089;&1083;&1077;2 &1087;&1088;&1086;&1094;&1077;&1076;&1091;&1088; &1085;&1072;&1083;&1072;&1079;&1077;&1088;&1077; VBeam perfecta
This study is investigating the psycho-social impact of growing up with an hemangioma on the ce.
Young patients and their parents were very pleased with this opportunity - to get a free procedure, and repeated treatments in two months time.
PWS by Dr. Mihm and L. Rozell-Shannon
If you think your child has a hemangiomaClick Here...
It&8217;s never too early to plan your event! Visit the VBF Day of Awareness website today to register your event, or for ideas on how you can help. Here are some helpful links to get you started:
SWS Glaucoma Facts by L. Rozell-Shannon and Dr. Fay - &1043;&1083;&1072;&1091;&1082;&1086;&1084;&1072; &1080;&1089;&1080;&1085;&1076;&1088;&1086;&1084;&1064;&1090;&1091;&1088;&1075;&1077;-&1042;&1077;&1073;&1077;&1088;&1072;.&1053;&1077;&1082;&1086;&1090;&1086;&1088;&1099;&1077;&1092;&1072;&1082;&1090;&1099;, &1082;&1086;&1090;&1086;&1088;&1099;&1077;&1042;&1099; &1076;&1086;&1083;&1078;&1085;&1099;&1079;&1085;&1072;&1090;&1100;.
The following rebuttal by Dr. Stuart Nelson and Dr. Roy Geronemus was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in response to an article about the recurrence of Port Wine Stains (PWS) after pulsed dye laser treatment. At this year&8217;s conference in Irvine, several physicians spoke about the pathology, progression and treatment of PWS. To summarize what was presented, after a PWS is treated using the pulsed dye laser, the vessels that are targeted by the laser will not necessarily come back, but rather new, deeper vessels will work their way up to the top of the skin thus &8220;some&8221; stain appear. It is important to understand this because many people believe that PWS will always come back and, therefore, they should not have laser treatment. This is not true. While the laser does not &8220;cure&8221; the PWS, it offers the most hope for clearance, for keeping the skin from thickening and cobbling and for maintaining the best aesthetic outcome for the patient (comment by Linda Rozell-Shannon, President and Founder of the Vascular Birthmarks Foundation, 11/8/07).
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As you know, the downturn in the US economy has had an impact on all aspects of life, including charitable giving. Donations to VBF are down 40 percent, while the free services VBF provides to patients and milies have continued to increase. FГемангиома фотографии Vascular Birthmark Foundationor this reason, your continued support of Day of Awareness is more vital than ever.
Thank you for your support of VBF and the VBF International Day of Awareness.
2010 &8220;Mark of Beauty&8221; Gala
Visit the VBF International Day of Awareness Website:
Principal Investigator
Dynamic Cooling Paper by Dr. Nelson and Wangcun Jia
· VBF Day of Awareness website:
Elizabeth Peters sold stickers for a &8220;Wall of Fame&8221;, Gabriella Gomillion donated her own toys to sell and raise funds, Laura and Heather Toulson hosted a lemonade stand, Evan Ducker wrote a book that launched the &8220;Buddy Booby&8217;s Birthmark International Read-Along&8221;, and Owen Dreger hosted a read-along at his school: complete with a play performed by a class at his grandmother&8217;s school.
Doctor Visit SurveyHave you been seen by a doctor to assess a vascular birthmark? Pleaseclick hereand complete our survey. This survey will be used to provide feedback to the doctors about the information and treatment they provide to milies affected by a vascular birthmark. Complete your survey and mail to Corinne Barinaga, c/o VBF Director of Information Services, PO Box 106, Latham, NY 12110.
&1042;&1080;&1085;&1085;&1086;&1077;&1087;&1103;&1090;&1085;&1086; &1074; &1086;&1073;&1083;&1072;&1089;&1090;&1080;&1096;&1077;&1080;. &1060;&1086;&1090;&1086; &1076;&1086;&1083;&1077;&1095;&1077;&1085;&1080;&1103; &1080; &1087;&1086;&1089;&1083;&1077;4 &1087;&1088;&1086;&1094;&1077;&1076;&1091;&1088; &1085;&1072;&1083;&1072;&1079;&1077;&1088;&1077; VBeam perfecta
VBF Vascular Birthmarks Brochure- Download and Print - A comprehensive brochure describing all vascular birthmark types, syndromes and treatment options.To print, click here(you will need theAcrobat Readerto view and print this document).
To get a bag, click here.
The VBF Russia Director
To donate a bag, click here, fill out the form, and mail it to us.
Many of you have participated every year, since its inception on May 15, 2004. Families and individuals have hosted annual bake sales; garage sales; sold stickers, bears and bracelets; celebrated a birthday by hosting a party for VBF; were featured in news and magazine articles and local television news programs &8211; the list goes on&8230;
And the 2010 Vascular Birthmarks Conference with Dr. Roy Geronemus and
The Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York
There is really no proper way to thank each and every one of you for support, and for raising awareness of vascular birthmarks and the associated syndromes and conditions. VBF has one amazing support network.
The Vascular Birthmark Foundations
If you are a resident of Russia and would like to have more information about this opportunity,please contact VBF by clicking here.
Psychosocial and Emotional Issues for Individuals with a Port Wine Stain
You can help to &8220;Sponsor A Family&8221; so that they can attend the VBF annual medical conference and receive a treatment plan. Donate a new or gently used high-end, vintage, or designer handbag or bid on one at Both ways help! Tell your mily, friends, or colleagues that they can help too by donating or bidding on a handbag
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All information is strictly confidential. Your answers will be sent to the scoring coordinator anonamously (without your identity disclosed).
If you are 14 years old or over and would be willing to answer three short questionnaires, please volunteer for this research study.
&1050;&1072;&1074;&1077;&1088;&1085;&1086;&1079;&1085;&1072;&1103;&1075;&1077;&1084;&1072;&1085;&1075;&1080;&1086;&1084;&1072;.&1060;&1086;&1090;&1086;&1076;&1086; &1083;&1077;&1095;&1077;&1085;&1080;&1103; &1080;&1087;&1086;&1089;&1083;&1077; 1 &1087;&1088;&1086;&1094;&1077;&1076;&1091;&1088;&1099;&1085;&1072; &1083;&1072;&1079;&1077;&1088;&1077; GentleYAG
You must meet the following criteria to be in the study:
Venous Malformations - &1042;&1077;&1085;&1086;&1079;&1085;&1099;&1077;&1084;&1072;&1083;&1100;&1092;&1086;&1088;&1084;&1072;&1094;&1080;&1080;
Read More and Check Out the Photos
Olga Bachuk
VBF was proud to announce that Dr. Gregory Levitin was honored as our 2010 Physician of the Year at our gala. In addition, our 2010 Service Awards were presented to: Saige Cavayero (VBF Student Rep), Dr. Geronemus s staff at the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of NY, Donna and Evan Ducker for their Buddy Booby Read-a-Thon, and Dr. Geronemus was presented with the Buddy Booby Award for his outreach to children and adults with birthmarks all over the world.
· Register your event and ShoГемангиома фотографииp VBF to order materials, all in one easy step:
All participants must sign a consent form, and if you are under 18 years of age a parent or legal guardian must sign and approve your participation in the study.
On April 2nd, 2011 at The Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences patients with Port Wine Stains could get free treatment on the laser device Candela VBeam. This laser was purchased by the RCRC recently and now Dr. Tatiana Belysheva is accepting the patients with vascular birthmarks, which can be treated by this laser.
Every year in the United States, 40,000 children are born with a vascular birthmark, 85% of which are in the head and neck area. Statistics show us that the incidence is the same in other countries. These birthmarks include:
If you haven&8217;t participated in VBF Day of Awareness, please join the VBF mily of tradition and giving by hosting an event in your community:
Friday evening October 8, 2010 was a beautiful night in NYC for our 2nd Mark of Beauty Gala. The weather was perfect, the music (songs by our own soloists and the cast from Wanda s World) was amazing, there were over 220 in attendance and we were able to sponsor a number of milies for our next conference due to the net proceeds from the event. Everyone commented that it was an incredible experience. We were also thrilled to announce that we have reached over 50,000 milies who have been networked into treatment since 1994.
Elissa Rifkin, M.Ed.
VBF would also like to acknowledge the support of members like Jill and Paul Brown whose daughter Aslynn underwent surgery for a massive hemangioma, and VBF Honorary Chairs Frank and Barbara Catalanotto whose daughter Morgan had a hemangioma. Like so many parents of children with birthmarks, their efforts on behalf of VBF are outstanding.
Annual awareness participants include: VBF Board members Brian and Natalie Bolinger, hosts of the Texas Hold &8216;Em and Auction; Jan and Andrew Dreger (Owen&8217;s parents) host Campbell&8217;s Boat House for VBF at their mily restaurant; Robin Houwman sells pendants to raise funds for VBF and other birthmark organizations.
You will need Adobes Acrobat Reader to open and print the pdf documents. If you do not already have it installed, you can find ithere.
Before you visit, email, or speak to a birthmark specialist, be sure to read ourChecklist for Parents!
Hemangiomas - &1043;&1077;&1084;&1072;&1085;&1075;&1080;&1086;&1084;&1099;, the most common type of vascular birthmark
Read more here
More than 10 patients have been accepted by the doctor, including arrived from such distant areas as Ekaterinburg, Tatarstan, and even the island of Sakhalin.
&1042;&1080;&1085;&1085;&1086;&1077;&1087;&1103;&1090;&1085;&1086;. &1060;&1086;&1090;&1086; &1076;&1086;&1083;&1077;&1095;&1077;&1085;&1080;&1103; &1080; &1087;&1086;&1089;&1083;&1077;5 &1087;&1088;&1086;&1094;&1077;&1076;&1091;&1088; &1085;&1072;&1083;&1072;&1079;&1077;&1088;&1077; VBeam perfecta
New Research Out of Boston
Your birthmark must have been diagnosed as an hemangioma (either deep, superficial or mixed), NOT a Port-Wine Stain or other type of malformation.
You will need Microsofts Word to open and print the Word Documents.
What if the VBF earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Now it can! is a new Yahoo-powered search engine, with a unique social mission... every time you use GoodSearch, money is generated to support the mission of VBF. Just go to be sure to enter theVascular Birthmarks Foundationas the charity you want to support. The more people who use this site, the more money well earn so please spread the word!Go to