NF1 , I, .
, ( ), .
, MR, ( astrocytes neuronrs), hamartomatous/heterotopic. , ( pilocytic astrocytoma ). , neurofibromas, (III - VI) plexiform neurofibroma .
, 2. NF2.
1. 2. , , :, schwannoma , presenile /
ependymomas, , - , , isointense T1- hyperintense , T2-, . , NF2, foramina. , NF1. : presenile / (85%), agenesis .
17 . . () () , , . NF1 , NF2 1 2000-3000 .
NF2 22. 1 35 000 . . NF2 NF1. , : schwann , nontumoral ( ) ( , ependymomas, ).
95% . , , . - isointense T1- hyperintense T2- , . ( ) , .
, 1. NF1.
Medcyclopaedia ™, GE Healthcare.Medcyclopaedia 18000 - e-learning , . шванном Neurofibromatosis?Medcyclopaedia , -. Copyright 2010Medcyclopaedia . .
caf (CAL), , neurofibromas, , freckling. Lisch , .
шванном Neurofibromatosis?,NF1 , .
. () : 1 (NF1) ; neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) . «» «» , NF1 NF2, , , .
1. шванномcaf > 5 2. neurofibromas plexiform neurofibroma3. Lisch ( )4.Freckling 5. 6. sphenoid 7. NF1
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- GE Healthcare:
T2- , , , , , . myelination . , , . T1- hyperintensities, -, Schwann . NF1, ( / neurofibromas), , meningocele, foramina, sphenoid , « » 5-10% , , , macrocephaly, .